Friday, May 29, 2015

Homeward Bound

We wrapped up some minor landscaping work at Breckenridge on Wednesday before pulling  out early Thursday morning.  It was a beautiful morning as we pulled said good bye to the rugged Rockies.  The morning sun was just starting to kiss the earth exposing a beautiful blue sky and a soft pink hue reflecting off the snow capped mountain peaks.

We headed south through the Hoosier Pass (elev 11,542') which had breath taking hair pin turns and views. The trip was uneventful as we passed the Royal Gorge, Pueblo (ok we stopped for Starbucks), and Raton. As we made our way into Texas, it became evident we weren't going to be able to take the most direct route to spend the night in Lubbock. Lubbock was surrounded by horrible storms- tornado watches, flood warnings, hail and three 18 wheelers overturned in the ditch or across the freeway. We went to the west of Lubbock before working our way down to I-20, threading the needle between strong storms to spend the night outside Abilene. After arriving at a RV park on the east side at 8:30, we devoured a quick meal of rice and beans, enjoyed a glass of wine before falling asleep inspire of the loud thunder and unbelievable lightning. About 800 miles (600 was planned) over 14 hours. Will be soooo glad to get home!

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