Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Grand Canyon!

I am updating the blog for yesterday as I lay curled up in bed. It is 28 degrees outside and we have no water...it is frozen. We are discovering that maybe May is a little bit too early to travel north.  We arrived at the Grand Canyon area last night after leaving Santa Fe.  We are realizing more and more how lovely is our spot in Breckenridge. All of the campsites in the Grand Canyon Camper Village (private campground, not associated with the national park) have been little more than gravel parking lots, the nicest being the one in San Angelo. I will include a photo of the current one when I gather enough courage to stir from my covers. It makes me realize that in life you need to look for the beauty and not the ugly. Ok, we are staying in a mud pit, strewn with cigarette butts, right across from the shabby restrooms and ugly dumpsters. The entrance to the campground backs up to restaurants so all of their trash is haphazardly stored there BUT it is the closest campground to the park and reservations for the park were made a year ago and there are beautiful poplars or aspens lining the entrance.
Looking forward to viewing the Canyon for the first time ever and declare it in Ben Rathwell fashion "yup, that is a hole" as he declared when we had suggested a trip here 15 years ago, we promptly regrouped and drove to Disneyworld.

Well, it was everything we imagined!  We drove to the park, got on our bikes and road to various points along the way. The rude was uphill both ways, or it sure felt like it!  One of  the signs on the return trip warned of the steep 6% grade, no wonder we struggled!  The views were majestic!  A quiet steak dinner tonight in "23" and more exploration along the east side of the park tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. you rode your bikes on a 6% grade road????? no excuses for IRONMAN next year.....
