Thursday, May 21, 2015

Grand Canyon 2 and Moving Day

Skipped blogging yesterday so I will combine two posts in one. We spent yesterday with 'The B" hiking the eastern part of the South Rim. It was exhausting, I think we are still struggling with the altitude change (that's my story and I'm sticking to it) but the scenery was amazing!  We stopped at various spots to rest, snack and gaze in awe. We took a shuttle bus to the last spot and two minutes after we disembarked we had the bus driver chasing after us to twice threaten us that she was "calling us in" for bringing a "dog" on the bus!!! We did NOT hide B when we got on the bus and didn't realize pets weren't allowed. Everyone surrounding us were drop jawed at the confrontation and then proceeded to tell us about their bad experiences with drivers!  It was discouraging as most of these people were European and I felt embarrassed by the lack of presenting our best front to these guests of our country at arguably one of the seven natural wonders of the world. We didn't let it affect our mood but we faced a longer walk back to our truck than anticipated as we were now on the 10 Most Wanted List of the Grand Canyon. We finally made it back to The Village and decided to stop at The Tovar Hotel for a light lunch in the bar which was supposed to have an amazing view of The Canyon. Trip Advisor failed me...the nachos were an embarrassment., unmelted shredded cheese, no jalapeƱos, salsa was scarce, major landscaping was going on in our view, no need to go on! BUT the views we had earlier more than made up for it all!

Today we moved on to southern Utah!  On our way out of Grand Canyon, we stopped at several points along the rim and were most impressed with Lipan Point!  We were able to see more of the Colorado River  and there was virtually no one there!  We are staying in a lovely, mud free RV resort at the Willowwind RV Resort in Hurricane, Utah.  Although we are across from building construction in the resort, we feel like we have improved our position in life immensely!  
Tomorrow we will visit Zion National Park!

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