Saturday, May 16, 2015

A New Adventure

It has been a very long dry spell of no Airstream adventures...but today began day one of a two week trip through New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and Texas. "23" was lovingly bathed, polished and readied last weekend. Today we set out for a stop over in San Angelo. We took a back roads route through College Station, Killeen, Temple, and many other small towns. It is heartwarming to drive through some of the towns to see the vibrancy of the downtown area and sad to see the boarded up buildings in others. But what is consistently strong is a sense of patriotism, flags waving in the breeze, pickups ambling down the wide, welcoming streets. America, the land of the free, I wonder if we truly understand what that means.  Have we grown complacent due to the rich gifts we receive from living in this country? I remember thinking as a young mother that I was well educated in dealing with my children. Time and time again I was humbled (and continue to be humbled). I am afraid the country is guilty of the same naïveté. Enough of my political ramblings but I am so moved by the opportunity to explore, connect and learn more about this country.

So appreciative also to get out of the dreary, stormy, gray weather we have been experiencing for far too long!  A change of scenery, a change of pace, and change of experiences will be medicine for my tired, draggy soul!  I think the photos below reflect my change in attitude already.

We spent the night in San Angelo at a small KOA, nothing to write home about, it was small, tightly packed gravel sites but it was extremely well maintained. The hosts were delightful. The man who led us to our site made me realize that no matter how bad your situation is, there is always someone who has it worse and we should be thankful for what we do have. He commented on the concerns people have for the California drought (which does cause me concern as so much produce comes from there) but he listed off all the dried up lakes in this area due to the 20 year drought. Just salt of the earth folk, I love having this opportunity to experience this vast, amazing country and its people! 

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