Wednesday, May 27, 2015


We left Grand Junction Monday morning and moved on to Breckenridge. It was a relatively short drive of about 200 miles. We arrived at our RV site, Lyle was able to see it for the first time since we purchased it last summer. Although it isn't the most picturesque site in the park, the location is in high demand and we had it rented out all winter long which covered all of our operating expenses. It is the place that we have felt most at home on the trip. We are definitely mountain people. The snow capped mountains and the crisp fresh air are wonderful. We settled in and then went exploring in the nearby town of Frisco. Everything is very quiet here, very early in the season. Kemosabee Sushi was one of our stops and we enjoyed several rolls amongst the locals before going and picking up a Redbox movie and settling in for the night. It got colder and colder and then it began raining although the weather app said it was snowing!

Yesterday morning after going out for breakfast to the Butterhorn Bakery, we decided to drive up to nearby Keystone. A lovely resort area but it was like a ghost town, even the Starbucks was closed! The shops and restaurants all appear to reopen June 5th when the summer season begins. After returning to our site, we did a little spring cleaning. I have figured I have observed 5 springs so far this year. 1. Houston. 2. Norfolk 3. Calgary 4. Grand Canyon 5. Breckenridge as observed by this photo:

Today we will check out Breckenridge and then get ready for the 1100 mile trek home leaving early tomorrow morning. We are worried about all the bad weather not only for the  drive back but for our family, friends, and fellow Texans going through such unprecedented weather. We are so sad at the loss of property but mostly for the loss of lives. Praying for the rain to stop!

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