Saturday, August 15, 2015

Breckenridge August 2015 - The Beginning

August 7th, we are on the road with "23" and Breckenridge is our one and only destination for two weeks!  We both met up in Oklahoma City on Thursday night and in the morning while waiting for my sweetheart to finish a work related accident investigation, I did a bit of shopping at a Disney outlet store. Having amazing success I was able to find my sweet grandbaby's missing Duck (Donald that is for the rest of you) and his love which obviously caused him to stray, Daisy! We set out at about noon in the 104 degree heat and 460 miles before we stopped for the night at the Raton Pass Camp & Cafe. Fortunately the trip was uneventful and we arrived at about 7 pm. After settling in, we had a quick dinner, wound down and had a wonderful sleep in the lovely cooler weather. In the morning we strolled about 40 feet over to the cafe where we had a delightful homemade breakfast and were thoroughly entertained by the owner. She gave us advice as to which path to travel and then proceeded to tell us how she has seen changes in the attitudes of people over the past few years. She said that She encounters many more bullies who demand preferential treatment no matter the circumstances. She doesn't allow them to behave that way with her. She is an amazing woman who works from 5 a.m. until 10 p.m. with an amazingly cheerful disposition while her husband works far away and only comes home on the weekends. We were also entertained by a lovely older couple from Austin on their way to tour the Durango area. Meeting new people and hearing their stories is one of the things I most enjoy during our travels.

 We pushed on to Breckenridge through Hoosier Pass which is breathtakingly beautiful but not for the feint of heart with its winding, steep descent. I am always thankful that I am not the one driving!  We  arrived at our site at around 1 p.m. which gave us plenty of time to settle in. 

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