Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Another Day In Paradise

What a fabulous couple of days. Yesterday we tackled the mountain at Breckenridge again with our bikes on a different trail. Standing on the edge of the earth and seeing God's glorious hand in creation reinforces faith. The smells of the pines, the crisp, clean air, birds singing their songs of worship, it is magnificent!
After a tiring ride down on the trail, we parked our bikes and sat in Breckenridge Brewery for a yummy lunch while watching the soccer game. Tim Howard was amazing, too bad the rest of the team wasn't on the same level, bright side for us is we don't have to worry about any future games while camping in Banff!  

Today we had our bikes transported up to Vail Pass and rode them down to Frisco which is a quaint little town down the road from Breckenridge. 

It was an amazing 14 miles ride alongside a roaring stream  and peaceful ponds all nestled in a valley. 

Not certain that Princess B enjoyed it but she did enjoy all the attention!  She did NOT want to be left in the trailer as she had been the day prior. She made her displeasure well known as she got into the trash as well as other items and proceeded to tear them apart from one end of the trailer to the other!  A learning lesson for mom and dad! We stopped for coffee at Copper Mountain resort and enjoyed the quietness and imagining the swarms of people during the ski season. 

We continued past Frisco for another 5 miles and after speaking with other cyclists we turned around to head back to Frisco for better lunch options than Dillon appeared to offer. The three of us dined at on the sidewalk patio of Butterhorn Bakery & Cafe where we enjoyed wonderful sandwiches. I had a turkey on a grilled cheddar jalapeƱo baguette with fresh fruit washed down with raspberry iced tea. 

Not looking forward to packing up and leaving early Friday morning for the next leg of our adventure. So many things to do and so little time!  Thankful for the time we have had here though!

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