Friday, July 4, 2014

Last Day in Colorado/On the Road

We decided to have a quieter day on Wednesday and ventured out on a trail called Ten Mile Hike. Princess B accompanied us although she did benefit from several carries. She enjoyed all the attention she got along the busy trail.  Breathless at some points, it wasn't quite the easy day we had envisioned. We were rewarded with the fresh smells, the peaceful singing of birds, the roar of the streams engorged from the melting mountain snow and the butterflies playing tag.

All in all, the hike was a success other than we continued to debate the merits of an afternoon nap  during our lunch at the Butterhorn Bakery. The restaurant was so accommodating to B and even brought her a huge bowlful of water. She of course enjoyed the attention of passers by and of course the routine "accidental" fall of sandwich bits by hubby!

The rest of the afternoon was spent leisurely preparing for our early Friday morning departure. Excited to see family, we were also sad with having to leave beautiful Breckenridge!

Friday mornings departure was uneventful, we are getting used to checking all the required tasks needed to travel safely. 627 long miles from Colorado, through Wyoming and finally to Billings, Montana.  I appreciated the vastness of Wyoming but would have difficulty living in a place with so few trees.

Happy 4th from the three of us!  So thankful for our country that guarantees our freedoms!  Thank you to all that continue to protect those freedoms for us!

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