Monday, July 28, 2014


Only 260 miles yesterday but they were NOT easy miles!  From Great Falls to Yellowstone the roads got progressively narrower. One patch was under construction and really did not even have a road! I never seen such shoddy construction! Down to 5 mph, many times I pulled over to let a long line of traffic by. As we continued, Louise kept remarking how beautiful specific points were but there was no point I felt I could steal a glance even for a second as the road now even in great condition, could result in disaster given any swaying!  She was very good at describing what I missed. I am very fortunate to have her as my co-pilot!

We arrived at a little tourist town called West Yellowstone at about 2:30 and set up in our beautiful RV spot at Grizzly RV Park which was perfectly level!  After disconnecting, we drove into town for lunch and dinner to a pizza place which was very good. Then on to Yellowstone to try to squeeze in as much as we could over the next day. Our first stop was the Ink Pots. Although I had been here before, I couldn't help but be amazed by the colors, the strength of nature (and we think man is so strong with all of our technology) and the vastness of the park. I did get into trouble for bringing the Princess so for the rest of the time I ended up carrying her. We passed a bison as he ambled along the roadway much to the delight of the tourists. We were shocked by the parents who allowed their children out of the car to view him. Not only was he massive but I don't think people appreciate that I is a wild animal and a male at that!  We stopped at the Lower Basin which was amazing and then onto Old Faithful. We arrived just as it finished erupting so we walked around to view other much smaller geysers.

As the sun began to set we became increasingly concerned it would soon be dark. Then just as the twilight began to fade, a gasp arose from the audience as Old Faithful began her show.

It was a faster drive back to our awaiting beds but we still were able to enjoy the colors in the sky and the last slivers of light reflecting off of the river. All in all it turned out to be a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I stayed in west Yellowstone on one of my bus much to do there! (wink, wink). we also saw that very same bison walking down the side of the road! we also saw those same stupid parents letting kids get close to that bison.
    and isn't it just like c.a. to ooh and aah while you are trying to stay ON the road?
    I would have written sooner, but couldn't find my google password. :)
