Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Salt Lake City - Here We Come!

It has been a full day without any photos except one!  We were up at 6:45 and on the road by 7:30. We had an appointment to keep in Salt Lake at 3 pm! The Princess was to be interviewed for a spot at the spa on Wednesday while Thelma (Annie(me)) and Louise spend the day the Family Search Library.

It was not an easy drive!  Shortly after departing Yellowstone, we encountered more road construction. Although the road itself existed (unlike the road into Yellowstone), it was extremely narrow and it was raining!  A harrowing 4 miles was behind us and not soon enough!  I don't know how we didn't knock over many of the cones...I believe there was Divine intervention!  From that point forth any road construction signs put me into a cold sweat until we had passed. Of course when we reached Salt Lake we had to drive through the worst rain we have encountered yet. Thank goodness for navigation!  We had a slight detour to an airstream dealer who took a look at a intermittent tail light and a leak under the sink. They were quickly repaired but while we waited, we received a tour of their facilities. Their building was primarily filled with vintage Airstreams and other aluminum trailers pre dating the Airstream brand. One aluminum trailer was a one of a kind built/owned by Howard Hughes. It was very interesting and the staff were very friendly.

We quickly drove over to the campground, checked in and unhooked the trailer in the pouring rain. After a quick clothing change into dry clothes, we departed for Princess B's appointment. After careful review of her background, social habits and health data, she was able to pass to the next round...the interview by a panel of her peers!  As we held our breath and watched the interview process through the webcams, we soon were informed she had passed!!!  We left her for a couple of hours to enjoy her new friends while we ate lunch/dinner and went to Walmart for a new bike lock. It appears our cable lock would not be sufficient for our location. Which brings me to my observations thus far of Salt Lake City.
1. It is much smaller than anticipated with a population of only 191,000.
2. Of that 191,000 it would appear that homelessness is a major problem. There were so many homeless, more than I have seen in one afternoon in even downtown Houston. I was so bewildered by the numbers that in researching it, articles tout the elimination of homelessness by nice, permanent housing. It seems to me that it has drawn the homeless to the city for the support they may not get elsewhere. How long can a city of this size support such a structure. Nice
In concept but I can't imagine it will last.

The Princess seemed to enjoy her time at the spa. She didn't go through the usual frantic joy she usually exhibits when I am away for even five minutes. A quiet night for all!

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