Saturday, July 26, 2014

Day One on the Road Back

And so begins the 2500 mile trip back. I feel the well wishes and prayers from everyone for our safe journey. I couldn't ask for a smoother beginning. It began with an easy shower experience very unlike  my earlier experience whereby I stomped through the campground early in the morning due to the lack of a coin to operate the shower!  Our morning started out with hooking up the trailer successfully on the first try. Beginners luck, God watching over us to give me some confidence, something was at work!  We even were able to make a Starbucks stop without any trouble!  We thoroughly enjoyed the patchwork fields of wheat and brilliant yellow canola.


Our border crossing was even uneventful!  How could it get any better?  So glad to be back to the land of unlimited internet as we burned through 15gb of data by the time we left over the past 20 days. Even stopping for diesel in Shelby, Montana, was easy, the access was one of  the best I have ever encountered while towing, how can one be so fortunate!  We pulled into our campground in Great Falls, Montana with very easy access and no problem hookups. We were able to walk to a nearby restaurant which had a surprisingly good veggie pizza and equally as good molten chocolate cake. I am able to relax but fear relaxing too much, gotta stay on my toes as we travel to West Yellowstone tomorrow!

Just a few throw in photos one of my partner in crime as we hiked through Johnson's Canyon in Banff to two picturesque falls.

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