Monday, June 30, 2014

Day 4

Serious mountain biking day today, no paved paths for us! We rode two chairlifts with our bikes in tow up the mountain!  It initially brought back memories on mountain biking many years ago on a trail affectionately called "divorce trail".  We had done this before with the kids and I remember I was much braver then or maybe because I had never fallen off my bike yet!  My courage rose as we rode (slid) down the
mountain on loose rock and gravel. One group of young men shot past me like I was standing still (I probably was)!  The scenery was breath taking!

We survived the ride and rewarded ourselves for our outstanding courage by having buffalo wings and a beer at the bottom. Sweet hubbie endured my Starbucks obsession and I was able to add to my collection. 
He is incredibly kind in indulging my Starbucks stops along the way!  I think my worst request involved him backing out a drive thru on our way back from our son's graduation!  I guess his displeasure was warranted considering we were towing our son's car at the time!  I know he must love me!

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