Friday, June 27, 2014

The Beginning of a New Adventure

Up at 5, not that we slept well at all!  Too excited and too worried if we remembered
everything!  On the road by 6 and on our way to Amarillo. Bella is sprawled out in comfort that is deserving of the princess that she is!  Going to miss my sweet grandbaby, 14 days until I see her again!

Although this isn't our inaugural trip (it was our trip up to Milwaukee in May), I feel like it is!  We have our four pound fur baby with us and it is the first trip we have done together, just the two of us since 1986 when we went to Jamaica over the Labor Day weekend!

We made it to Amarillo!  I drove about 150 miles of it. The RV park is just ok, pretty bleak, I was raised close to the Canadian Rockies so I know I am very spoiled but the park managers are very friendly and welcoming!  Got to FaceTime with my son who is stationed in Japan and found 6 photos of him on his ship Facebook page which is more than the whole two years that he has been there!  All in all, it was a fabulous day!  I think I could live a minimalist life, can already feel the stress dissipating!

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