Monday, June 30, 2014

Settling In

We had a quiet day yesterday. We added a bike rack to Dirk's bike so that we could transport Princess B around with us on our bike rides. After an hour of assembling the bike rack and removing parts that didn't fit, we set off on our ride into town!  The system of bike paths are fabulous, paved, wide and alongside a babbling brook, it was perfect...or so we thought. We rode about 1.5 miles and we stopped to switch bikes. The bike rack had restricted the back wheel. I rode for about another 1.5 miles and at the top of a hill, I admitted defeat, and had to sit for a while recovering. The altitude change didn't help matters much. After a few adjustments, we set out again. After another mile, Dirk was missing!  Was he captured by terrorists, was he called away for another secret mission?  No he was trying to adjust the wheel again as it wouldn't move at all now. It was quite humbling to see 5 year olds successfully attacking the tourturous climb and howling wind that we were experiencing without any trouble at all!
We persevered and made it into town!  The town was bubbling with tourists, gorgeous hanging baskets and a local craft fair.  Many stopped to admire us ( ok it was really the Princess that they were smitten with). The three of us enjoyed lunch at Bubba Gump, Dirk did quite well on the movie trivia quiz, he answered more questions than anyone on the patio. The ride back was much more enjoyable...downhill all the way!!! A relaxing afternoon included a nap and reading, both activities a long time overdue!  Loving life!

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