Monday, June 30, 2014

Day 4

Serious mountain biking day today, no paved paths for us! We rode two chairlifts with our bikes in tow up the mountain!  It initially brought back memories on mountain biking many years ago on a trail affectionately called "divorce trail".  We had done this before with the kids and I remember I was much braver then or maybe because I had never fallen off my bike yet!  My courage rose as we rode (slid) down the
mountain on loose rock and gravel. One group of young men shot past me like I was standing still (I probably was)!  The scenery was breath taking!

We survived the ride and rewarded ourselves for our outstanding courage by having buffalo wings and a beer at the bottom. Sweet hubbie endured my Starbucks obsession and I was able to add to my collection. 
He is incredibly kind in indulging my Starbucks stops along the way!  I think my worst request involved him backing out a drive thru on our way back from our son's graduation!  I guess his displeasure was warranted considering we were towing our son's car at the time!  I know he must love me!
Settling In

We had a quiet day yesterday. We added a bike rack to Dirk's bike so that we could transport Princess B around with us on our bike rides. After an hour of assembling the bike rack and removing parts that didn't fit, we set off on our ride into town!  The system of bike paths are fabulous, paved, wide and alongside a babbling brook, it was perfect...or so we thought. We rode about 1.5 miles and we stopped to switch bikes. The bike rack had restricted the back wheel. I rode for about another 1.5 miles and at the top of a hill, I admitted defeat, and had to sit for a while recovering. The altitude change didn't help matters much. After a few adjustments, we set out again. After another mile, Dirk was missing!  Was he captured by terrorists, was he called away for another secret mission?  No he was trying to adjust the wheel again as it wouldn't move at all now. It was quite humbling to see 5 year olds successfully attacking the tourturous climb and howling wind that we were experiencing without any trouble at all!
We persevered and made it into town!  The town was bubbling with tourists, gorgeous hanging baskets and a local craft fair.  Many stopped to admire us ( ok it was really the Princess that they were smitten with). The three of us enjoyed lunch at Bubba Gump, Dirk did quite well on the movie trivia quiz, he answered more questions than anyone on the patio. The ride back was much more enjoyable...downhill all the way!!! A relaxing afternoon included a nap and reading, both activities a long time overdue!  Loving life!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Day 2. Breckenridge

Day 2 Breckenridge!!!

Up early and onward from Amarillo!  We drove through Raton, NM, Canon City, Colorado and up through the back roads through the Hossier Pass (elev 11539') which marks the continental divide. 
Standing on the edge of God's creation makes me thankful for my many blessings, one of which is my adopted country. Speaking of which, during one of our fueling stops we happened to meet a lovely young woman traveling all night long from Fort Hood to see family. Her red eyes and 5 Hour Energy purchase relayed a purposeful intent to reach them. Touched by her service (since 2004) and her disappointment with recent developments in the military spurred us to gift her with her gas purchase. Her immense gratification had me in tears for the small token of our immense gratification for her service.

I wonder why I am so fortunate to live in this country, have such a fabulous life, family and friends!  I guess that is the reason that spurs me to travel this country to see all the beauty in its people and scenery!  Looking forward to what lies before me in my travels with Dirk. Check out the view from our patio....

Friday, June 27, 2014

The Beginning of a New Adventure

Up at 5, not that we slept well at all!  Too excited and too worried if we remembered
everything!  On the road by 6 and on our way to Amarillo. Bella is sprawled out in comfort that is deserving of the princess that she is!  Going to miss my sweet grandbaby, 14 days until I see her again!

Although this isn't our inaugural trip (it was our trip up to Milwaukee in May), I feel like it is!  We have our four pound fur baby with us and it is the first trip we have done together, just the two of us since 1986 when we went to Jamaica over the Labor Day weekend!

We made it to Amarillo!  I drove about 150 miles of it. The RV park is just ok, pretty bleak, I was raised close to the Canadian Rockies so I know I am very spoiled but the park managers are very friendly and welcoming!  Got to FaceTime with my son who is stationed in Japan and found 6 photos of him on his ship Facebook page which is more than the whole two years that he has been there!  All in all, it was a fabulous day!  I think I could live a minimalist life, can already feel the stress dissipating!