Saturday, August 2, 2014

The End

Five weeks of being away!  It has done the soul well!  Am so ready to dive back into life in The Woods!  Have missed my hubby, my baby, my family, and my friends ( and yes that includes everyone at work)!  Am so very thankful for Louise for enduring this trip!  I think the hardest part of the trip was today!  550 miles and so close yet too far from home.... We landed in a campground in Fort Worth which is a generous description. Although the description in the Rv Park reviews suggested something nicer, it turned out to be a park for permanent inhabitants. Not what we had in mind!  We are a bit nervous although our  immediate neighbors seem very nice. They helped me fix the cross threaded water hose when I couldn't undo it.  We disconnected "23" and scouted out a take out dinner from Chilis. It wasn't the best but it sufficed. Needless to say the Princess found something to shred before we got back in order to voice her displeasure with being abandoned for 30 minutes.

A photo from our site last night, which we described as rustic last night and now seems like an oasis! Looking forward to seeing all y'all!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Salt Lake and Breckenridge

We spent Wednesday at the Family Search Library in the heart of The Temple area of Salt Lake which is the largest genealogical library in the world. I found a marriage record that I had been looking for on one of Dirk's relatives and found a Mingling Memories book on Red Deer, Alberta history which I have at home. It was a successful visit and we wished we had had more time there as there was so much material, eager research assistants and so little time!

I still found it very disturbing the concentration of homeless particularly one young couple holding a four month old. We drove up to a beautiful view overlooking the city, the city definitely has potential but needs industry.

The Princess had a full day of playing with new friends at the spa and like us she was ready for some downtime that evening.

The next morning we awoke at 6:30 and were on the road by 7 as we had 460 long miles ahead of us. It was a very beautiful drive, we loved the ruggedness of the mesas especially around Grand Junction. We ate our lunch as we drove and even in spite of our two Starbucks stops and two diesel stops, we were able to arrive at 4 pm in Breckenridge. Definitely the nicest campground of all of our stops and also the most familiar. The only downside was having to back into the site which took a couple of tries as it was the first time I had to do so extensively.

We unhooked, drove into town for a very tasty fish and shrimp dinner and topped it off with a wonderful crepe from a street side booth. Quite satisfied we rolled back to "23", watched a movie called Simon Birch which is a great movie about friendship, strength of character and faith. Bedtime and on to Raton, NM in the morning.